Zayima Rahman
@zayima_rahman · 0:20

What’s your idea of a peaceful moment?

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I feel that one of the most peaceful moments is when it's raining and it's in the evening, like around four or 05:00 p.m.. And you have a cup of tea with yourself and you're listening to slow songs and looking outside the window, what do you think? What is your peaceful moment
Karan Dev
@Karan.Dev · 0:20
Hey, Zaimer, that's an awesome question. And I think for me it's about witnessing the sunrise. This applies to sunsets, too. But there's something about watching the sunrise that I find really energizing and and calming. So I would classify that as the ultimate peaceful moment
Sohini Joarder
@Rover_Phoenix · 0:35
For me, the most peaceful moment is at night, not on soccer nights, because Papa watches soccer. So other than that 02:00 a.m.. 03:00 a.m.. I just I just am in my room and there are two windows and I see a sort of soft light coming up like the sun rising, but very soft light. And it's pitch black to blue. And it's pin drop silence because everyone is sleeping
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Zoya A
@ZoyAmol · 1:05
It feels like all of them sharing some messages, some things, trying to speak, something, trying to share their day. Maybe. I know that seems to be like just a fairy tale sort, but it gives me a deep peace, which I cannot express in words. And that's what I can say when you cannot express something and it's brings joy to you. That's the most peaceful moment for me
guille Bastian
@gbas2101 · 0:29


Hi. I think my idea of a peaceful moment would just be any time where I'm able to be selfaware in the moment where I'm not thinking so much about the future, the past that I have have time in a day to be in a beautiful area or be able to look out at something beautiful or listen to something beautiful and just be aware of the moment that I'm in