Vipin Kamble
@Vipin0124 · 4:55

IKIGAI- The Japenses Sceret to a long and happy life.

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Good afternoon everyone. We can come by this side again. My today's talk is about the book I read in recent times and I'm here to share my reading, my learning and my takeaways from the book. The book name is Ikigai the Japanese secret to a long and happy life. Book talks about Japan's highest life expectancy in the world. The region named Okinawa has the highest level of life expectancy than national average

#vipin0124 #bookreviewweek #bookreview #poetsofswell #collegevoiceofindia #swellcast #ikigai #bookread #voiceofwriter #writer #essentialsofhappiness

Aditi Singh
@Adititalks · 2:36

#ikigai #japan #bookrevieweek #swellcast

And from your conclusion, as you said, that you love speaking, you love interacting with people, telling stories, painting, all of this is what actually is holding the meaning in life, because that is giving you happiness. That and if you do that work, if you grow in that field, that is going to help you invoke in yourself the feeling of service rather than more of money. Because if we just chase money, it may not come
Vipin Kamble
@Vipin0124 · 0:28


Thank you. Adity, thank you so much for listening to Swell and giving your valuable feedback. I'm following few of the things in my life which are giving me immense pleasure and the happiness while doing that. And I think I have found my ikigai in my life and I am following that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:48
And I'm thinking, just from listening to you and what you described, like, I wonder if that's the word that he was trying to say. So I will definitely add this to my list to check out. Thank you for sharing. And thank you for sharing about the life expectancy just by the way of life of the Japanese people that their life expectancy is much longer. So there is obviously some confirmed truth to this
Manveen Kaur
@manveen · 0:28
Well, you speaking about this book really has made me interested in, you know, reading this book. And I've already been seeing it around my watch list and stuff, but I was not really sure if I should give it a shot or not. But, like, I think it's a pretty good book. And now you have kind of motivated me to he did. So thank you
Saumya Joshi
@thehilarytales · 0:26
Hello vipin. Namashkal. After hearing your swell, I am pretty sure I am going to read this book you speak so well. And the takeaway that I am going to take with me after hearing your swell is that do what you love. It is your iki gal. You really speak fast, bullishly