T Lacey
@TLacey · 2:19

Where’d my motivation go?

Then you think, oh but wait a minute, this weekend or later today, after work or at this time, I'm going to have a chance to do that thing, that hobby, that passion, that's something that I really want to do and I'm excited about it

Motivation, happiness, disappointment

Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 3:54
Also, if it's a matter of I want to try this business, I want to write this book, I want to make write this song. There is something called impostor syndrome, where no matter how good you actually are, you don't think you're any good at all, and you end up, you know, you end up not doing it at all. Sorry for the noise in the background
Christopher Melkus
@teenmethuselah · 3:51


I think it's like deep down, what I really want when I'm at work is to be productive in a way that isn't the job I'm doing. Because the job I'm doing doesn't usually feel productive to me. Like the job I'm usually doing is usually pretty rote and could be done by a computer or a robot or something, which doesn't speak well about my career, but that's just the facts of life
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 4:20

#motivation #mindset #inspire

But if you do something like get up and go to the gym, get that dopamine, then it sets you up for doing harder things throughout the day. And it doesn't have to be the gym, it could be meditating, it could be going for a run, it could be going on a walk, it could be doing the dishes from the night before. It doesn't matter
Christopher Melkus
@teenmethuselah · 1:48


I read somewhere and when I first read this, somebody posted I took it with a grain of salt because things post people on the Internet you don't always want to trust. But I did look this up, and there's actually a National Institute of Health publication about this which basically says that, like, attention deficit disorders are typically linked to reward cascade dysfunctions. Essentially, the system in the brain that normally seeks out dopamine and produces serotonin is haywire in that particular kind of brain