Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 1:40

Holiday Open Mic: Let’s Sing 🎵

Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom Happy holiday Happy holiday while the Merry bells keep ringing Happy holidays to you It's the holiday season and in a year with doom and gloom when we're not supposed to be leaving our room, Santa Claus will be coming on Zoom So sing out some holiday tunes yes sing out some holiday tunes It's the holiday season for 2020 there's no doubt we can't join our friends in dining out parties are canceled so I want to shout Are you singing out other holiday tunes?

Doesn’t matter what day of the week it is, give us a tune! Since it’s December, how about a seasonal song? #singasong #singing #karaoke #hootenanny

Georgie Dee
@GeorgieDee · 1:06

I saw Mommy! 🎅

Holiday Greetings to you, Mr. Tim. I had to go to a party last night, so I had a late night, but I'll give it my best shot. Two, three, four. I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus underneath the missile, though last night. Yes, I did. She didn't see me creep down the stairs to have a Dee. She thought that I was tucked up in my bedroom, fast asleep
Shawn Schepps
@Shawn_Christy · 0:14
That was awesome. Just awesome. How clever of you. I thoroughly enjoyed that. Thank you
Shawn Schepps
@Shawn_Christy · 0:24
That was awesome. Just awesome. And I posted it in the wrong place. So now I think I'm posting it in the correct place. How clever of you really enjoyed that. Just awesome. Thank you so much, Tim
Todd Wiese
@Raretodd · 1:00

Hippo hero!

I wanna hippopotamus for Christmas only hippopotamus will do don't want a dog a dinky tinker toy wanna hippopotamus to play with and enjoy I want a hippopotamus for Christmas I don't think Santa Claus will mind to you you won't have to use our dirty chimney flu just bring to the front door It's the easiest thing to do I can see me now on Christmas morning creeping down the stair what a joy and surprise when I open up my eyes see a hippo hero standing there hippopotamus for Christmas only hippopotamus will do no crocodiles or rhinoceros I only like hippopotamuses and hippopotamuses like me too
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 2:16

Miss you Judy ♥️

Have yourself a Merry little Christmas Make the you're tight cave. From now on our troubles will be miles away Here we are in golden days happy golden days of your faithful friends who are dear to us other near to us once more through the years we all will be together Shining star upon the highest Bowie And have yourself little have yourself
Kevin Williams
@Kevin · 0:32


I do want a lot for Christmas. There are several things I need, like a bunch of expensive presents underneath the Christmas tree. I don't want to rent out. I want to own more than you could ever know Santa make my wish come true all I want for Christmas is cash, lots of money. I baby