Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 4:56

What is Overlay?

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Hello Thrivers. This is Laura Monk with Thrive Therapy and Counseling. And in today's podcast I wanted to talk about overlay and what that looks like. Now, overlay can happen in relationships in the very beginning stages of a relationship, when we are just in the dating phase, and it can also happen when we are in the depths of our relationship, maybe even possibly into marriage. So what is overlay?

🌱 Laura talks about what overlay is and how not to do it. #Love #Relationships #Psychology #AskSwell

Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 3:00

👉🏻 Additional thoughts.

Also, I want to add too, that we don't want to have such a perfect, idealized version of a partner in our head that no human being can possibly match to it. So be careful that you don't have this perfect character in your head that someone has to adhere to and match up with. And if you don't find that, you just move on to the next and then to the next and then to the next. Kind of almost looking for a unicorn
Rohit "ROSH" Sharma
@Foodographer · 2:21
And then you think that, oh, now I need to marry someone. I need to grow old with someone. That is how I think. And for that, I need to compromise a bit somewhere. So what I feel is love is all about compromising, accepting the flaws, appreciating the beauty, appreciating the person as it is, and the life will go very smoothly. But the term which you used about the overlay, I agree to that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 4:56


And so they find it very easy to make relationships work. And then you have the antithesis of that, which is people who have a very hard time making it work with anyone. They could be presented with almost a perfect person for them and it still wouldn't work out because they haven't worked on their self love, their mental health, their triggers, their traumas, their wounds