Nora Sophia
@thenorasophia · 4:58

Healing with Harmony

I have always resonated with wild mustangs. Wild mustangs are not domestic horses. The mustang is meant to run fiercely, live free, to discover and to simply be. It was never meant to be caught, put in a pen and saddled. Who are you? What are you? What is the great story of your life that still has yet to be written? Where are you being held and only looked upon?

Allowing ourselves the courage to be seen. Learn to find your voice rather than believing in the voice of others.

John Green
@JGreen · 2:46
It's been a lot of abuse and a lot of abuse that I took from myself that I allowed from someone that I thought was going to be there for me. And I don't want to put everything all in this relationship because honestly, that person has moved on and gone away. And it just leaves me with questions like, well, why? And how could you like, what? And just to be in another relationship that fast, it's very disheartening. I'm not mad at you
Nora Sophia
@thenorasophia · 3:53


First of all, I'm in tears and I am feeling with you and I'm celebrating with you in this space because I know that this relationship devastated you. I hear that in your the genuineness of your voice and in how you articulate yourself so beautifully. But I want to celebrate the progress you've made. I want to celebrate the awareness that there's still healing to do. I want to celebrate your list of who hurt you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Dynamic Kharacter
@RespectfulKonvo · 2:45
That's the thing that you have to do because by allowing yourself now the time to heal independently, you're now saying that I don't want to take the bad parts of me and put it into my next situation. So while I'm taking this time to heal is going to take a process. I may think that I'm over and done healing, but yet I may have a trigger that comes up which shows how much healing I have done. So there's always that too
