Tanisha Peter
@Tanisha_18 · 2:16

Let's talk!!Online lecture and Wilson College edition.

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Was it hectic or did it go well with you online lectures, do they still annoy you or you're fine with it. You're used to it. Now what is your take on it? And basically how your experience about Wilson? Have you made any friends if yes. How did you start talking? How did you approach what was it like texting someone for the first time, then having a chat online? Was it difficult? Was it weird?

So every Saturday I will post random questions about random things and lemme know your opinions on it,how you feel and everything!!

Dhara Gudhka
@dhara07 · 1:04
And apart from that being a BMC student, I think communicating with people online was a task. I used to think it was a task, but also I'm a bad texture so I can keep on talking but can't initiate conversations. But then I met really amazing people. And now I sometimes wonder, how did I even make such trustworthy bonds online? So actually, I'm completely loving this. How is yours or experience? We would like to hear it from you
I was not so much into it anymore because I was very sad about it because I cannot be alone for that long. I guess so. I was lonely. I didn't have much sense because online is something like some people are. Some people are not and it doesn't feel like a very good thing when you try to approach strangers, which are your future classmates. So Firstly, online class is fun, but now it's just boring and I want this to end as quickly as possible
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanisha Peter
@Tanisha_18 · 1:31


Okay. So first of all, thank you so much for responding. I really liked during your experience. Like, you were so happy by getting into Wilson. I think I'll agree to that. What you said that. Yes. I was happy to, like a mutual feeling apart from the that online conversation is so difficult thing. Yes. As a mass media student, we should know stuff like that. But when we were at the initial stage, we were totally blank and same
Tanisha Peter
@Tanisha_18 · 2:00


But again, I won't deny the fact that I am enjoying online lectures. And as you mentioned, that we have a great bunch of people around. Similarly, I would agree to that to have a great bunch of people around me who I call friends. And they are amazing. They are just loving people. And I trust them a lot. Like making such bonds, especially online, was a big task. But finally I did
Tamanna Singh
@singhtamanna937 · 1:03
But still, in case of earning friends, I did pretty well, I guess, because I earned some people and they are really precious to me. And I wish to keep them with me. So yeah, for now, the best part about being in Wilson would be the I got Yes
Tanisha Peter
@Tanisha_18 · 1:04


It was pretty tough at the start. But then the way you said that you did pretty well. I am so happy that you got really good friends, and you did pretty well when it comes to friendship, in spite of the fact that everything was online. So I think yes, that is a big task. And then you say that those are really precious for you, and I want them forever