Ronnie Johnson
@TangledThoughts · 2:44

Adult Friendships

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No, you're talking to Ronnie, your friend. Not Ronnie, the HR professional. So it's just a struggle to separate the two, especially dealing with at work friends. I've considered joining clubs and intramural sports. The barrier with the sports. I am extremely clumsy and not athletic in the least, so I don't want to sabotage anyone else's sports team by forcing them to pick me to be on their team when I know I am terrible at sports

#Friendship #Advice #Relationships

J Wang
@jsmwang · 2:33
And if you have any people that, you know, like, reaching out to them to wang out yes. I feel so awkward sometimes, like, trying to make friends as an adult. So I totally feel you
J Wang
@jsmwang · 0:21
Oh, and quick thing. I think classes are really great because you're kind of, like, forced to be in something and, like, you know, to go to someplace regularly where you might see the same person over and over again. So it's much more like organic and all of that. Like a workshop or something? Yeah, something that is like yeah. I don't know. Anyways, best of luck
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 3:07


I haven't played a sport in so long, but I don't know if you like to dance or do, like, other movement activities, but I was just thinking I go to this workout class. It's called 305 Fitness in New York. But I know that they always encourage people getting to know each other, and they're always, like, turn to your partner and say or turn to the person next to you and say hi
Love LadyO 💋
@loveladyo · 4:55
Same as you would with a book club. Or the same as you would if you were looking to learn how to skate with people that are your age. Facebook groups. One recommendation I think has been really, really helpful in that department of making really genuine, close connections with people that you typically probably wouldn't or didn't even know exist, and they're looking for the same thing. And it is a very targeted type of relationship that can then turn into something else