Sumran Jot Singh
@Sumranjs · 1:55

The Curious Incident of the dog in the night time

Hey all. I just finished reading this book and it is about a boy who has autism. And the book is written as that 15 year old boy from his point of view. Although it is Tao it as a mystery novel. I found that the mystery is just a prompt here and everything else is an insight into the possibilities of thinking from the point of view of somebody who has autism. I have never been exposed to that point of view. I haven't read anything like this

#swellbookclub #bookreview #books

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:20


Also this book, by the way, when I read it, oh my gosh, it must have been 15 years ago now, or ten years ago was exactly what you pointed out, which is this perspective that was so expansive. Sometimes we think about differently abled people as a more narrowed version of life. But after reading this book, I felt like my life was more narrow and that I wished I had more capacity to tap into my brain the way this character did
Sumran Jot Singh
@Sumranjs · 2:40


And that is what life around him is also just life. It has no other meaning other than the fact that he likes a certain color and he likes a certain order and timetable and anything out of the ordinary, out of that routine is chaotic to him. And that is where it was so special to step into that world, basically. It's so hard to step into that world when you're reading something. It's not a visual medium
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:42
I also like how the author doesn't give a terminology to the protagonist condition, but he pretty much sums up what is it that he's dealing with by taking us through his lived experiences. Right. So that, I felt was very unique. And I also love how, at the outset, what starts off as a mystery goes on to a stream of consciousness like form of narrative. Not in the true sense, but somewhat similar to that. Yeah
Anisah Khan
@Anisah_Writes · 4:35
But honestly, this book needs to be read a lot more because I enjoyed reading it both times and there's always something I miss every time I reread the book. So you really unlocked high school nostalgia for me. And honestly, I really like how the book presents CRISPR's thoughts, both in pictures and his thoughts. Yeah. Actually inspired me to write pieces through the perspective of someone who has Asperger's syndrome
Arish Ali
@arish · 0:39


Hi Suman. This was a wonderful book which I read almost 20 years ago when it first came out. So I do not remember any of the specifics of the plotlines and the details, but I do remember that I had enjoyed reading it and the title itself, the Curious Incident of the Dog at the Night Time, which is a reference to a line from Sherlock Holmes
Sumran Jot Singh
@Sumranjs · 2:15


We appreciate so much of smart writing, and typical mystery novels have a lot of clever pieces strung together and complex web of, you know, plotlines. But thinking of a 15 year old boy growing up in contemporary times, and he's so genius in maths and science, yet on our everyday social norms and behaviors and ordinary emotions, those are things that he struggles with. He's not aware of those emotions, and anything that he says is purely black and white
Sumran Jot Singh
@Sumranjs · 3:39


That's what the boy must have been thinking when he's writing this story and how the digression happens when he's writing about something, and then he just digresses about something else and then comes back. And as you mentioned, the humor is in those words because of the way he thinks and perceives or assumes things
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:23
Thank you so much for sharing about this book. It was such a nice reminder for me to bump this up on my list. It's been on my to read list for years and years and so I actually just requested it as an audiobook from the library. So hopefully I can get to it sooner than later and I will be sure to share some thoughts when I finally get to read it. So thank you
