What if we recognized our stories as stories?

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We're taking those little pieces of data, we're fitting them together and just so to create some sort of story to tell us that that is quote unquote reality or what really happened or who this person really is, et cetera. And then when we find out something that dashes that story, just completely obliterates it, we'll lash out at others or get angry at other people or whatever. We're the ones that have created that. We are the ones that have created it

#stories #expectations #truth #reality #understanding

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesΒ Β·Β 1:48


So there's that meta moment for me. I think that takes a lot of humility and yeah, humility to know that when we move into the world with ideas and sort of expectations about what has meaning and what doesn't and what might happen, what might not happen, they're, like, velcro onto our egos. And it's how most people are wired. And it takes a very humble, expansive soul to not allow that to be true. So to unpack that when things crumble
I realize this is nothing new compared to how I often will talk about truth or logic and how we use those things, create those things, talk about those things. But for whatever reason, it struck me differently this morning and I found it quite hilarious. I don't know what that says, if it says anything, but there you have it
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!



Because in some cases I think that I don't know if it's hand in hand with our ego. And I'm not using ego in a negative sense because I think the ego is important but sometimes it can monopolize because of whatever it might need, if that makes sense. I sort of think of it as maybe, let's say the core of me, the child in me. Something that needs something. And maybe if that's satisfied then it's easier to develop humility
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J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 2:32
I'm going to end this. Well, cast, I'm passing a serious accident. And I have learned from again, here we go, personal experience. When they put the sheets up like that because someone passed away from an accident. So no matter what our perspectives are from our experiences, based on our experiences, we are all alive to listen and participate in this. Well, cast, just god bless their soul


I don't remember what I was going to say after the ending there. I sort of wanted to not respond as a sort of nod to a moment of silence. But I saw your invitation then to a swell where you began to talk about this and I had to stop with thing because my very vivid imagination fills it all in and I've been in these situations before driving past and it's a lot I can't but thank you for taking time out to respond
Mike W
@Scribe7Β Β·Β 5:00
And another guy seen an African American guy, but he didn't have it wasn't short hair, it was like a beanie. And they swear by it because it really doesn't matter too crazy. But if your brain gives you Dr. Mcstamie instead of Dr. Mcdreamie, what difference does it make walking by? So people see things. I guess that's what the rose colored glasses are about
Mike W
@Scribe7Β Β·Β 4:53
So it's like you're going through the actual event, but it's all in your head, you know what I mean? The humility for me comes in when I relinquish control, when I understand that it's control and there is a higher power, if that's what you believe, and it's not me, I don't have all the answers, let alone tell you what's going to happen before it happens. Absolutely not. There's no way I could do it


It's just like the witnesses and the different ways that perceive and and interpret and make sense of it and even, like, to get the deeper, like you talked about, the the whether someone believes in God or a higher power or whether someone sees some other explanation, but they're all sort of in different ways, different stories with different weights, different significances. You know what I mean?


Because whoever we find ourselves around that's feeding us information or whatever we're viewing that's feeding us information and we think that that person or place or thing is adding value to our lives and they're really not. Or maybe only partially that we can get caught up in things that are very much warped and see it in the same way as someone else is seeing it. Because that's all the information that we have


But if we can acknowledge that there's stories and they're not written in stone, whether we're talking about an understanding of a particular person or a group of people or an event, et cetera, et cetera, then maybe there can be more grace for others, maybe even for self, right? But maybe I'm hoping or wanting, expecting, ironically, speaking of expecting in stories, maybe I'm wanting too much from people