Sohini Joarder
@Rover_Phoenix · 4:39

Choose your Joke References carefully in a State Assembly Session

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But the situation in the House had deteriorated so much that he used that analogy. He also showed everyone that he would chose his words very carefully in the future and that it was just to determine to help people understand the bar of the situations at that moment. But to be fair, when you are a man of such high standard at that height, sitting in an assembly. Even the smallest joke could turn against you so bad


Zara Lisbon
@ZLisbon · 3:53
And there's so much damage to every single woman who already feels ashamed about getting raped or already feels terrified of getting raped and just thinking of how powerless that must make so many women feel if they already have gone through rape and had a horrible experience which any rape is to be told that you should have just enjoyed it is almost as bad as being assaulted all over again. And like you said then to apologize like it's just no big deal
Paul OMahony
@omaniblog · 2:25
I mean, he's brought huge disgrace on his family. I mean, who would have him to dinner? Who would invite him to a dinner party? He deserves to be a social outcast. Apologies are just ridiculous preposterous. He should disappear out of public life and go in and make penance in a monastery or something. But that is just one of the most disgraceful examples of what a human being could have said. I don't know if I would actually like to meet him
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Sohini Joarder
@Rover_Phoenix · 0:32


Exactly. I completely agree with you. If this person really has a family, any female in the family, like a wife, sister, or anyone daughter or something, this is a huge is great for his family or even the female members, at least. And this is a shame for the country as well, because he's representing the country. He's on a national level. He's a Minister after all. And I don't know. Why do these people even exist at some point