Richard Sisk
@richardsisk · 2:55

Happy Mothers Day!

Now I'm going to put a photograph here of her when she was a lighting person. And you can see she's wearing those heavy gloves because those lights were very hot. And later on she became a model. And then I showed up and messed up the whole thing and she became a mom. But she encouraged me as a child to be creative. She helped me set up a dark room, which was her idea. She knew about how to process film

A thank you to my Mom for all the encouragement and creative thoughts she shared with me when I was a boy.

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:06
And, I mean, she supported you, it sounds like, and encouraged you to do things that developed your artistic skills, and I think that's a really valuable thing for a parent to push you towards. I'm also a photographer and my parents always supported me in my arts and whatever. I want my creative outlets, I guess you could say. And it's turned out really well for me. So I'm happy to hear that despite the potential unexpected challenges, your mom still supported you
Valerie G
@ValBGood · 0:31
Hi, Richard. Thank you for sharing that story about your mother. Beautiful woman, wonderful story. And I enjoyed listening to you reflect on how much you loved her and she impacted you, your love, your artistic side. So that's beautiful to see. I also love names, and. Wow, she had a beautiful name. Love. So I just. That's beautiful right here. So thank you for sharing that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Richard Sisk
@richardsisk · 0:43
Well, thank you for the nice comment. That's really, really terrific. I'm finding this is kind of a fun thing to do here on swell, because I get to meet nice people like yourself. Anyway, I also wanted to mention that my mother's father would have been my grandfather, but I never had an opportunity to meet him. His name was Richard Temple Love. And I thought that was really a nice name
Valerie G
@ValBGood · 0:36


Hi Richard. That's actually an amazing name. So I love names. So I'll put up Richard name, which is your name, and your grandfather's name, which you see, it means strong, a deep thinker, independent, enchanting, wise, and unconventional. We already know what the temple in love means, so thanks for sharing. I like you. I'm also enjoying swelling more than I thought I would and it was just great connecting, so keep it up
