Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 4:58

The 90 Minute Christmas Performance From Hell!

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Then came all the wild predictions of my ruminations. She'll probably wind up with a C in chorus. Thankfully, colleges won't see that grade. After 90 minutes of fake smiling and forced clapping, I was prepared to unleash on her all that I had been bottling up in that time. When the curtain went down, all the kids came running to their parents, giving hugs and exchanging flowers

#teenagers #neurodivergence #autism #teenmentalhealth #stories #mentalhealthawareness #autismspectrum #adhd #parentingteens



And anyway, hearing this story, it was just beautiful. The internal process you went through, the excitement and just her your daughter's face lit up and that beautiful moment. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:14


There's so many conversations on swell that go into deep territory, and the catharsis of finding language for stuff that is difficult is also never missed by me. It's always so beautiful. So thank you for sharing this. And, Christina, thank you for reswelling it. I might not have found it had you not done that. So thank you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 1:44


But as you'll find, as I do more podcasts, as a therapist, my philosophy on neurodivergence deviates a little from the majority of therapists that are neurotypical. And I look at this more as just a way of being and how we are, and that more work just needs to go into educating the public about the way we are and how our brains work than finding a therapist that can fix us
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 1:18


And I don't know of any other outlet, particularly social media outlets, that allow for this type of dialogue. So I'm almost glad I got sick this weekend and got stuck in bed because that's how I started playing around with it. And thank you so much for the beautiful compliment. I'm going to try to get back on every day if I can and do a little five minute spiel. Thanks
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 2:16


I constantly have to do a self audit and remind myself, like, if I pay too much attention to what everybody else is doing out there and whether or not my kids are leveling up, then I'm squeezing every last piece of enjoyment out of parenting. I'm driving myself crazy. I'm driving my kids crazy. And where does my beliefs about parenting even come from? Where do they stem from? Where does this stem from? My expectation that my kids be out there? Go. Go


I am over here. Cheering we need more neurodivergent people who are in the field, either doing therapy or doing the research, and you stated all of those reasons, and I'm sure you know more, so I won't carry on. But I just wanted to say thank you, as one neurodivergent to another, for doing what you're doing, because it makes a huge, huge difference
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 3:03


We definitely want to be able to fit in better into the world, but there's not a lot of even though neurotypical therapists say they're doing psychotherapy, there isn't a lot of that. I don't necessarily think that's coming across as very effective, because when you're sitting across from somebody whose brain works differently than yours, there's a lack of attunement there. And in order to make progress with a therapist, you need to have that attunement


You can have so one who is Neurodivergent communicates more like a Neurotypical and someone who's Neurotypical communicate more like a neurodivergence. Not to mention, just like you said, I think there's far more neurodivergence out there than we even have an understanding of. But when communicating, because there is this divide, it's like one side can recognize that there's almost two different languages being spoken. And I think of communication as like a massive field
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:55
One thing I want to give myself a pat on the back for more so than anything, much to my mother's dismay, because she did not raise me this way. My mother's thing is, if an adult said I did it, she didn't even bother assessing who she learned me to be as the person she gave birth to and raised. It was if that person said, I did it, she believed them
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 4:16


And I think it's hugely underestimate that there's a degree to which our lives not only differ, but they have to. A lot of what I'm seeing in therapy is behavioral coaching, executive functioning. It's very much about training and ways in which we can be more like the norm
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 2:40


But we don't make authentic connections with others when we are constantly showboating our successes. And if there's a toxicity that is in that that is leading to mental health implications, then we should talk about that. I like to use social media to try to make connections. I'm not afraid to show vulnerability because it's in vulnerability when connections are made
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 0:12


It's funny you mentioned that, because that is actually the topic of my podcast today. So I'll make sure to invite you so you'll know when it's up. Thanks