Purple Grey
@Purple · 3:49


So I don't know how to explain her what I've felt sometimes to being ignored. I want some attention, not because I want her love. Just to tell her how to feel like when you when you're dealing something something going inside your head. But it's not easy. But I have like to give a try from here to tell and aware other epilepsy is not just a disease. It's not a disease basically it's just something the people don't know

Being epileptic..

Aayan B
@aayanisms · 2:00

Brave Lady! @Ramya,@Wordsmith @arish, @DBPardes, @Binati_Sheth,@SeekingPlumb

First up, kudos to you. You're a very, very brave lady and very courageous of you to share your story of epileptic fits. I know it could be very difficult to express and explain. Please feel free to share whatever that you're comfortable with. However long it takes, does not matter. Take your time. There is no hurry. The fact that you are such a strong person that you have the courage to speak about it in itself is very commendable. I truly appreciate you
Dr Vandana R Singh
@RSFoundation20 · 4:42
And there I just want to say to you that sometimes the most practical, pragmatic, helpful, sensitive of people when they have to deal with something in their own immigrant family or in their own lives, they tend to lose that objectivity. As parents, we are different people from what we are when we are in a different environment where we are not parents. So what I'm saying is that try to understand where your parents are coming from
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

@SVJ · 1:53
Hi. I am able to resonate with a lot of what you've said because I have a close relationship in my family. My aunt who suffers from civicania and there was a time when the closest people around her were living in denial and did not want to sort of look at treatment, having been very, very they were worried about the stigma associated with the disease. But things changed and now we know that how to handle the situation when she has these phases
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:38
But you can tell from looking at the baby, who is now probably toddler age or at elementary school age and thinking, wow, that kid has had some major developmental delays or issues, and you kind of get a glimpse of the gravity of the level of care that they are providing for that kid. Now, when it comes down to adults, I honestly have not come across many adults who have epilepsy