Nupur Chauhan
@Nupur_23 · 4:56

Time: "The right time" ?

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But now, since I have grown up, my expectations have grown up. I just forgot that time. And that incident really made me think through that. Do we actually have the right time? Because when we talk about time and scientific concepts, the scientists just don't believe that there is time basically, to unify the concepts of relativity and quantum mechanics. They have disappeared the word time from their equations, which just basically means that there is no time in the universe. And the universe is timeless

#time #timeless #swelltalkindia #collegevoiceindia #nupur #swell

Megha Peelwan
@me__gha · 2:10
Hey Nupur, I want to reply as well as you ask about right time and you also discuss about the time in your swell. So first of all for me time is very precious in my life. And time denotes our existence on earth. Time is time is like a life cycle in our life. Because a person is born on earth and it is a journey between B and so b denotes for birth and D stand for debt. Yeah
Adia Maheshwari
@adiamaheshwari · 4:33


So let's say, for example, when it came to my college, I was not really sure that if I should do college as in Dubai, we have 13th as well. I was not really sure if I want to do 13th or if I want to go to college for a foundation or things like that. But after a lot of research, after everything, my dad took me to this university that I really liked. And I was really liking the idea of college
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Nupur Chauhan
@Nupur_23 · 0:41


I'm still not really sure if there's the right time or it's just that we need that boost. That okay. It is the right time, and we could do things. But your perspective is really very interesting, and it has definitely asked me to think more on the topic. So thank you so much, and I look forward to hearing from you more in the future
Nupur Chauhan
@Nupur_23 · 0:34


Hi, Megha. Thank you so much for your reply. I completely agree with you that the right time is probably in the moment where we feel the most confident version of ourselves. It is really important to just believe that, okay, this is the right time for you. And that is only how things are going to turn out in your favor with that particular set of mind. And, yeah, the facts that you pointed definitely are worth a thing