Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 5:00

Whether you’re a mannor a woman, fight your own battles

You might not be willing to take that help. Either way, you know, once you're not in that mind frame, it becomes difficult. Even if somebody tries to help you, you know, so instead you help yourself. Even if nobody is around, nobody is there to hold your hand, you know, to guide you or anything
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 1:17
As to whom you are asking for help. You know once you become more aware as to whom you should and you shouldn't ask because you have some discernment after certain experiences happen then you know at least you will know, right? You can tell when people have motives and when they are genuinely helping you, you know. So to get that kind of discernment you have to go through certain experiences where you might be naive and unaware or innocent let's say to all the things out there