
Neha Dondapati



<3 2 sing I’m kalopsic mushin. I dive in nostalgic, nonchalant, noble riverie; my iz c orphic buty amist bedlam & mayhem as i swim in halcyon o dreams

Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 1:49
Blue Rose

A blue rose blooms in the shadow of the moonlight, its hue a mysterious color that standa apart from others stralling all eyes & hearts

Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 2:59
Hypocrisy stems from lifestyle and upbringing as it’s ingrained in behavior & character
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 0:59
Girl dont forget to wear your tiara as you’re the queen 👸🏻
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 1:27
Every person out there is enigmatic, eccentic or mysterious
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 5:00
Do you ever feel if dreams are real?
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 5:00
Whether you’re a mannor a woman, fight your own battles
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 1:54
One thing i dont get is why we have to label people?
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 0:21
Going places
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 0:50
Gems and jewels embedded in a sapphire-stoned glacier palace
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 1:19
The phrase "Follow your heart" just means to "follow your intuition" even when things are portrayed a way to falter your belief
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 2:16
Wherever attention goes, energy flows
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 2:16
Time, energy & effort is precious & priceless
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 2:58
Its a myth when people say……!!
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 5:00
Normally we are in 2 minds: conscious & subconscious
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 4:33
Do you think that people mask to hide from their true identity?
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 4:59
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 5:00
Most people function in dysfunction
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 4:59
Science is interconnected to spirituality
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 2:38
Rejection is redirection!!!
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 0:35
Girl with the umbrella
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 4:56
Everything appears in stillness
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 4:16
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 4:59
What is confidence?
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 4:59
Life is on fast forward mode!
Swell user mugshot