Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 5:00

I RISE! I RISE! I RISE! By: Natasha Noel

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I think this might be my favorite poem that I've written. I hope it touches your heart like it did as I wrote the words. Thank you for listening. My poem is called I Rise. I Rise. I Rise. You may write me off in history with your twisted tales and bitter lies you may crush me down into the dirt, but like a phoenix I still rise does my boldness make you angry? Why are you so full of gloom?

#poetry #natashanoel #ordinarilyextraordinary #writtenwords

Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 4:59
She still lives on through her poetry and her mentorship to so many people. And the words that I wrote were my own words. But that poem just resonates with me so much that I used it as the inspiration and the concepts, I guess you could say. But what really started as I wrote that poem was I was thinking of the person that is I can't even put into words my twin flame, my everything
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:14
It. Oh, my God. I'm sitting here with chills right now. Like, the power and the emotion behind the words, and you just the delivery, everything? Yes, girl. Yes. For every person that has ever been in the situations that we have found ourselves in yes. This. Oh, my God. Like, publish, publish, publish, for sure. You are an amazing author, an amazing writer and a great, great poet. Just a great, great poet
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 0:33
I just had to add after hearing the second part of this, that is some strong, strong empathy, mama. That is some strong empathy. And to be able to write from the perspective of another through their feelings, I think I was right in that you may be an empath. Not only maybe, but if you're able to use that power with everybody or around you than you are. So let that gift guide you in life and just keep shining
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 4:57


And no one would believe that you put nothing you may think I'm nuts now, but that's okay. I really have come to the place where I don't care. I mean, it was unbelievable for me to go through. And then as people started to see us interact that knew both of us and see things and watch me know something about him when he wasn't in my presence, I would know he was upset or I would know something was going on and vice versa
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 1:22


And I also wanted to add that. So basically, even in mythology, they have the same kind of thing. But I thought that was crazy, or if it was just it wasn't real. But I do believe it's real. I do believe that there are soul groups that we believe in reincarnation now, because I believe that we do come back to learn we are born into the same soul groups
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 0:29


I just wanted to hop on here. I sent you a message on the other message, but I wanted to tell you thank you so much again for your compliments. That means the world to me. Really, truly does. Thank you. I kind of went way overboard in talking to you on the other messages, so I won't say much more than that. But I wanted to respond on this one and just say you thank you so much. I really appreciate it
You. Hey, Natasha. Thank you so much for sharing this poem. There was just so much power in the words, but also in your voice as you read them, and so it was just so powerful and just uplifting to my spirit. And I just am grateful that I am grateful to you for sharing this piece. Oh, wow. Thank you
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 1:32


Um my house burnt down after divorce, and everything I wrote, my whole life was packed up and put away and even little diaries from when I was, like, nine or ten years old. And it took a long time for me to start writing again. And I have. And I've just really been on a roll lately, and I just decided to throw it out here and start publishing and putting things out here to see what people think, if I should publish stuff
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 3:48


The word psychic has such negative connotations, I call it a seer. So I've got some of that too. It's an added bonus to our gift, I think. Sometimes. Not for all empaths, but definitely for some. It sounds like you connect really deeply to people, which it is that you feel what they feel. It absolutely is. So no denying that. And due to that connection, you can sometimes pick up things from distance
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 0:36


I was eventually going to make a post about it, actually, and I just haven't gotten to it. There's so many topics I want to cover. It's insane. But if you need help with that, just let me know. Thank you
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 5:00


It's knowings, it's visions and it's dreams and I guess you could say I knew things as a kid and I was always studying things that supernatural things or conspiracy things and just wanted to know more. And I know my mother freaked out when I was younger because of the books that I was reading and my pastor freaked out in church because I was reading all those other books of the Bible that now is like your History Channel specials
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 4:58


It was an instant connection. Like we knew each other forever in a way. I mean, instant love for this person. And it grew. And then we started having the same dreams and the same little visions, and we remembered details of not only a past life, but things in the past life, like names of certain things that we would have never we don't call things today. And it makes so much sense, too, because one thing that I remembered was a life in England
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 4:54


And I thought either we're both completely insane and I know I'm I mean, I'm crazy to some degree, but I'm not crazy crazy. I'm not certifiable crazy. And then we have mutual friends that saw it because we're different. We're so much alike and we're so different. And it just blew them away that he was attracted to somebody like me who was totally different from other people in his past and that they saw the dynamic and they saw things
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 4:54


I've had friends that have a little bit of something, whatever. We just never really talked about it. Or was it a conversation peaked often tell each other weird dreams or just a moment in time where we talked about it. But it's just so much more intense in my life. It's part of my everyday now. It started to be before he came along. It was more intense in my life. But now it's just everyday thing because of him in my life
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:34


Good morning. You don't have to apologize for putting all that out there because I think own your truth, I'm owning mine, you know what I mean? And I went through that whole s***, too, about people calling me evil and whatever, like my family, because that Southern Baptist thing and talking to spirits and having visions doesn't really go together
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 5:00


They pose as something else. I'm not quite sure if all spirits are demons or are they really just people that's passed over still here? I'm not quite sure. Well, I do think there can be people that are lingering and that kind of thing. And that could be it. I do know that I've heard a voice on a tape recorder before that wasn't there in a room kind of thing. But like I said, I don't know
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

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Mark Schiff
@Markschii1 · 2:34
I grew a beard, wore an old trucker shirt, and set out and wrote poems in a coffee house called The Figuero on Bleaker Street. So I stopped writing poems. I traded to do stand up comedy. But I did write a poem recently. I'm very involved in my Jewish world and the anti Semitism that's going on today, and it produced a poem. I'm going to call it a poem because I haven't worked on it enough
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 4:54
But I do know who you are and seen some of your stuff over the years. Gosh, I'm old. But anyway, I really appreciate your compliment and loved your poem and look forward to hearing more. And I'm going to tag you in a couple more of mine. I would love your opinion. Honesty is always best for me. I don't care if you hate it
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:32


As far as reaching out to people that have passed on, I've done it. You don't have to believe in it. You don't have to think spirit guides are anything other than evil, because everybody is where they're at for whatever reason. So I would never put that down your throat. It was just a part of sharing my story. So on that one, we'll agree to disagree. And as far as the gift goes, just embrace it, accept it
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 5:00


And I was under the impression that most people think of spirit guides as either disembodied spirits or souls or whatever, but or from this planet or another or whatever. And that can be I mean, it's not that it's not saying that it's not possible at all. I'm just saying that I think there's this veil on this world. Some people see under it, some people don't
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 0:34


And I'm not saying that you think that way. I've totally forgot my train of thought because I've got children over here doing a spend the night party talking, trying to say horrible things into this thing. And so I have tried to tape this, like, twelve times. So I'm just going to end it by saying that I understand exactly where you're coming from and don't think anything bad about it. Leave that alone
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:48


So I'm totally accepting and loving, and I totally understand. And, girl, house full of kids. House full, it sounds like. So good luck with that, and I'll be talking to you soon
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 4:52


Because I can't be around him much right now still. I mean, right now he wouldn't even know if I was there. My mother don't really want me there. I live far away. I've got kids. I've got excuses too, because I could be there more probably. But am I doing something that's going to make me feel more guilt once he's gone that I didn't do more?
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 4:54


It. But anyway, so I've got that going on and then I've got kids and there's always kid problems. And then my travel Business, I think I told you that I'm a travel agent. It was starting to take off before COVID and then it kind of plummeted and I haven't done a lot of advertising. I've done some booking
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 2:35


And that's the truth. Unless it is your choice to be at his bedside. So I know that's a tough one for the rest. Believe in yourself. Love yourself. Boost yourself. And believe in the power that your God holds to do what needs to be done to make sure that you're taken care of. And just love you, mama love you. Love you more than you love him. That's it. There's only one that you should love above him or above yourself
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoel · 5:00


I was just telling you how I do this every time in every relationship where I just kind of hold onto my heart and say, no, if I just love a little more, if I just wait a little longer, if I just hang on just a little bit longer, things are going to change. Things will be better. Things will be different. I can't give up. I don't want to be the one that gives up. I can't be the one that gives up
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 0:29


A girl, I cannot count the number of times that I have started over. And usually because I put all my eggs in the basket of a man. So I feel you. As long as you get back up and dust back off. And no matter how hard you get knocked on your a**, you remember to love yourself then. That's what's important. You just focus on that goal. Focus on loving you