Patrick Hickey Jr.
@LegacyComix · 0:08

Whats an Awful Movie You Still Love?

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What is up? Swell. Happy Friday. I want to know an awful movies, TV you still love? Talk to me
Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 1:54
You. My awful movie that I still love is a league of extraordinary gentlemen. And it it's a movies, TV, all these fictional characters that exist. Like Sean Connery is the lead. He plays quartermain. But there's the invisible man. I think. There's even like, Tom Sawyer. There's, captain Nemo dorian Gray Then there's some vampire lady, I don't remember her name, but maybe it's because love of literature. But it's really a bad movie
Jonny Roobs
@jonnyroobs · 4:52
I'm sure you remember Rocky Five. And the cool thing is, I still remember every line for every character from this movie. I watched this movie, like, countless of times, and I think it's very important because this is, like, the trajectory of where Rocky was heading financially on a downward spiral
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Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Godo and Becca Q
@xedus1 · 1:21
And it was just an awesome movie. And even in the last match or the last fight wasn't even a boxing match. It was more like a street fight. That was an awesome movie. And then on top of it was the credits. It basically showed the whole movies and with emotional music, because I think literally at that time, he thought he was going to be the last Rocky movie. But they added a few of them since, as everybody knows
Godo and Becca Q
@xedus1 · 0:16
Yes, great point. He actually, from the starting of the franchise, he went all the way to be in a mansion with robots. And then he eventually went back to Philadelphia where he met Adrian
Jonny Roobs
@jonnyroobs · 1:47


It just seems like Rocky Jr. Just couldn't go over Rocky shadow, as it was noted in Rocky Balboa, as we saw there. And, wow, you mentioned about the robot. You just got me thinking. Have you seen the different cut to the Rocky four movie? And if you have seen that director's cut, it does not show CICO the robot at all. So CICO is totally out of Rocky Four in this movie
Godo and Becca Q
@xedus1 · 0:31
It's. Yeah. I also saw the directors cut in the movie theaters with my brothers. Yeah, it was good. And I was very surprised that they took out the robot. I think the only mention of the robot these days is that Super Seven had an actual figure of the robot made. I don't know if it's still out, but let me check it out. But, yeah, I think I'm going to have to rewatch the original four with the director's cut
Godo and Becca Q
@xedus1 · 0:02


Isn't the figure I was talking about
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Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 1:18
I think people were expecting a Matrix style movie, and they got a cotton candy, almost Barbie colored world of fast cars and incoherent plot. So you could call it an awful movie. I think it's a misunderstood movie, actually. I think an awful movie is a movie where they can't achieve what they set out to achieve. Right. They didn't have the budget or the script or the vision to pull off what they wanted
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