Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:36

AT&T Nationwide outage under investigation, but did they do this just so people can get land lines again ?

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And do I have at t? Nope. I have Verizon. Thank God for that. But the nationwide outage was more than just a convenience. It was know it's critical to protect consumers when an outage occurs, so that's why they're investigating it. But my thing is, did at t do this on the sly so people could start getting landlines again? Because the calls for landlines was going down dramatically. It had dropped almost to nil or none

#AT&T #NationwideOutage #Landline #UnderInvestigation #News #CellService #Outage #LadyFi

Calvin Bunch Jr
@TwoFast2Strong · 1:07


So I have always kept my landline in my home and it's a lifesaver because when we have these storms and the high winds and all that stuff and the cell phone go out and all that stuff, but yet still we got our landline that we can use. So I'm very thankful that I just still got my landline and I'm going to keep my landline until the day that the lord calls me
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:53


You know, that's smart. That's smart. And I think that a lot of people are starting to regret the fact that they got rid of their landlines because you're right, it is a lifesaver. It is a lifeline especially for people that have medical conditions. They should have that at all times. And to be quite honest, because of this at t outage that was going on, I am ready to purchase a landline again because, because I don't want to be in that situation
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Phyllis Allen
@MamaMinnie · 4:33


If you took any kind of at T bundle service where you bundled your universe cell phone and quote, unquote landline service together, at t switched you without your knowledge from landline to voiceover Internet protocol. So even though they never came to your house, they never did anything inside your house, you no longer had a true landline. What you have is voice over Internet provider service, so you're just as likely to go down as anyone else
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:35


And having a landline is not a bad idea. But if you have another plan that you'd like to share with us beside a landline, then maybe you can suggest that to us. But in the meantime, yeah, this is just a very light swell. I'm sorry that you took it like it was very serious, but everybody has an opinion and you're entitled to yours. And I thank you for that. Ms. Mamaminnie
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Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 4:46

What if …. There was another "hidden" side…

It may appear analog, because you pick up an analog phone, but it's still a digital signal. You see where I'm going with this? The world should probably realize that maybe somebody might want to test to see whether or not you would pay for priority like the rest of people. As sad as it is to say, sad
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Nola Vee
@NolaVee · 0:22
You. I appreciate your perspective. However, I don't believe the outage was intentionally caused to promote the use of landlines in homes. Additionally, attributing your decision to subscribe to a different carrier to divine intervention is like assuming that God was trying to show that cell phones are unreliable in times of personal needs
D. Michelle
@theneekedtruth · 1:19
Okay, Preston yeah. I had to see this and look at your post and reply. Well, first of all, I wasn't affected by at t because I'm not with them fuckers. But to bring landlines back would be a major step back. Way like a big step back. Like at the same time I feel like something going on with the government big time. You know, they be doing sneaker of and don't think we'd be peeping
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:17


Hey, sir, thank you so much for your insight. Thank you for your knowledge. I mean, seriously, I had no idea, like, before, you were talking over my head because I'm not a tech person anymore. However, all of that knowledge that you just dropped. Yeah, we really should be looking into stuff like this and trying to see if we can get a sat phone or something like that
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:13


But if it came across that I was trying to do anything bad or nefarious or anything like that, please excuse me. That's not what this was for. It was just a light conversation among friends. So thank you so much
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:07


It used to be a time where if you didn't live in certain areas, you couldn't even get their Internet. So I think they're working on it. I don't know what they intend to do. Illinois Bell and Southern bell and all the bells have now became at t. And I think they're doing their best to work on it, but I do think that they need to improve. And I don't care what anybody says
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Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 4:37
And the reason why I just asked is because relative to the demand of emergency services and tax dollars required for such services, you start seeing these unique direct relationships between our conveniences and the systema that's used to maintain and foster those conveniences. Calling 911 is very luxurious. It's not really something that happens in a lot of other countries, especially underdeveloped countries
Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 1:15


I think more so that it's our collective responsibility as people to use our God given abilities, freedom of choice, to choose to be more frugal and careful and aware of other options that allow us to prevent and deter issues that could lead to loss of asset, loss of opportunity, or due to a failure in infrastructure, potentially loss of life and
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:56


Like, for instance, I'm Gen X. Well, we had to work for everything. We got every single thing we got, we worked for. It was never given to us, never handed to us. So I think we could survive if the Internet went down. We good? Because we didn't have it to begin with. It's a bonus for us. This is something that this generation was born with
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J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:56
I was concerned about different things. You brought up transitioning to not having one, and I honestly have not had anything come up that has left me concerned about not having a landline. I'm super big on keeping my phone charged, so I have a charger in every room. Seriously, I have a charger in every room because of that. But, yeah, I've never thought about, oh, what happens if I don't have a phone?
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:42


So if it's worked all this time for you, then I am so happy for you because that's a long time to be with a service provider, and it worked. And I know I haven't changed my number in forever, so, yeah, I get it. But thank you for coming on here because it's just yet another person's perspective of their relationship with at T. And no harm, no foul here, nothing to bash a company or anything like that
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Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 4:30


There were like these huge books that broke down every single part of the game because it was a land before time. It was like the land before YouTube time. Okay. But I saw the rise of consumers getting their hands held to consumer product. And that's when it became more important to know where the consumer would trust having their hand held than actually doing the research to want the product to buy
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:49


What to use something I also don't like is I'll say something in my house and I promise you, the next advertisement I see on my Facebook or my Instagram or anything like that is what I just talked about. So I think that's invasive to begin with as well. But thank you so much, sir
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You. Hello. I wanted to. I had to actually rerecord my swell, because the point that I was making when I was making it suddenly dimmed. You could barely hear it. How odd. But I just wanted to mention that they were. Several people were saying that it had to do with solar flares that had occurred at that time and that was the reason for the outage. But that would have meant that we would have had to have been on the
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:26


I mean, every year, I don't know what it is about this freaking raccoon in my neighborhood, but every year he gets his fat butt up on the wire, gets shot, gets thrown to the ground, knocks our power out, and they have to come fix it every single year. And I'm like, does he just have a death wish? Because you would think he would die from being shocked. But he gets up, shakes it off
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