Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:17

What do you do on a FALL🍁🍂Saturday morning? 🍂🍁🎃

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I went out to Walmart the other day and got some pumpkins, and I think they're just the cutest. So these are all white pumpkins, and I cannot wait to decorate them and to set out my fall display because I do a lot of crafting and I have a bunch of stuff to set out this year, reefs and all kinds of stuff. I'm thinking about even going to get a bill of hay, maybe to make a scarecrow outside

🎃🍁🍂♥️🦃 #ladyfi #fall #fallsaturdaymorning #societyandculture #pumkinspice #applecider #pickingapples

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:31
So this Saturday morning right now, I'm just putting together my new home decor podcast, images, but after that, I'm actually almost done. After that, my husband and I are going to have just a great lunch, and I'm going to pull out my crafting yarn and my coloring books
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:07
Now, Christmas, I'll do Christmas decorations, but that happens immediately after Thanksgiving because my birthday is the early part of December and I don't want to be decorating. I really like to observe the few days before my birthday and after my birthday, before it's Jesus's birthday to myself. And so I don't like to mix that in with Christmas decor. I generally have most of my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving. I aim to anyway
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:04
And as summer is leaving and as it's getting darker earlier and it's cold right, it is raining here, we have flooding up here in the Northeast. You heard about floods in New York, Connecticut, same thing. We got flooding and it's cold. And so it's definitely not summer here. So I don't do a lot of fall. Usually by mid October, I'm ready to start decorating for Christmas, so I'll probably be looking at Christmas decorations pretty soon
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:45


I'd like to be involved and hear about it and see your lovely pictures. So thank you so much for sharing your wonderful Saturday morning plans and Saturday plans in general with me
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:56


Thank you so much for responding to this. Well, I just love that about you, that you find focus and then refocus when you hear about something that may speak to you a little bit differently now than it did before. And I love Fall decoration. Well, let me stop. I love all decorations. Fall is my favorite season reason. But I decorate for every single holiday around my house because I craft a lot
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:26


And I enjoy each and every season. But fall is just something about fall getting up, having a hot cup of tea. One of the people here on Swell suggested I have chai tea. So I bought some chai tea the other day, and I'm going to be trying that now here. It was kind of cool in the morning, but it's about 79, 80 degrees right now
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