Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:25

Looks matter.

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But what I will say is that that lady that I had met Monday and things didn't work out, she's really cool. Still talk with her and stuff. We're still cool, but we just talk in a different energy now. But, yeah, she kind of had made some remark about looks. She said it a couple of times before as well, saying that looks fade and that's not all that matters

But how much do they matter to you?

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:46
High fried oreo. I'm cracking up. I agree with you. I agree with you. And I like how you said, because a lot of people probably would jump on here and be like, I don't care about looks. But then you threw that question out there, like, wait a minute. Out. If you say you don't care about looks, then please show me where you've been with someone that's not your type
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Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:47
Most of the time we'll date a guy who's not the most attractive, if he has a beautiful heart, if he's a great man of integrity, if he has a lot of quote unquote intangibles going for him, then we'll take that into consideration along with his looks. Whereas most of the time with men, if you're not super attractive, then you've got to make up for it with a lot of personality
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:13


All right, you can go, girl, because you about to get all in the mic right now. I see you looking. Keep looking at the screen. You can go. Why? Just I got but anyway, yeah, looks matter. Oh, this is what I meant to say, too. I think personality enhances the look as well. So when we say looks matter, we are talking also about the personality. Because the personality cannot exist in a vacuum, right?
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Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:43


I haven't really talked to women that have ugly personality, but some can be very judgmental on a person's outlook in life and all that stuff. But, yeah, it's a different subject. But anyway, thank you for responding to this well cast
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 3:31


Because I feel like even if you have a variety of types, it's the attraction that matters. And it does matter. And the thing is if you are attracted to someone and then you get together and then you fall in love and then you're together hopefully forever, which whole nother subject for me. But then you view that person differently than someone with never having met them, whatever, would see them, right? Because you see them through your past together, your history together
article image placeholderUploaded by @Renee_Slay
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 1:50


But yeah, it's funny, a lot of people don't use gifts on here. I think they just don't realize that you can. But you seem to be on top of the apps. You know how to work the apps good. So props to you for that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 0:58


But heavily filtered and I'm not posting the heavily filtered to the Dang app and the ones that I do because I think there are two, I even mentioned it on there. I was like, yes, these are filtered. The other ones are not. Just because I've heard so many men complain about that. So just making sure. And they get a standing mirror body shot trying to cover all my bases. The s*** that I learned from the guys
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 3:36
Not that I need, but it's really I don't need guys to compliment my woman as long as I find her attractive. But I think for me, it's 75% to 80% looks. Yeah, looks are very important, and I agree with you, man. If they try to say it's not, they are a d*** lie. Now, with women, yeah, it's a little different. Women, they look for, like, personality traits
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Ms.Hollie D.
@over40podcast · 3:13
They will settle in terms of they will settle for people that they're not attracted to, and they be miserable. And when I mean attraction, not only is it the physical aspect, but it's everything else about them. I think that's one thing that people really don't talk about when it comes to dating is this whole settling. And from my experience, been there, done there. Got the T shirt for it and the tumblr
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:40


Thank Omega strange. Thank you for responding to the Swell cast where we ask or emphatically say looks matter. I would even go so far as to say one must be virtual signaling if they proclaim that looks do not matter at all. And I think it's just a question of yourself, awareness of the fact of what you are attracted to that will determine the looks for you. You said 75% to 80%. It matters for you
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 1:30


Yeah, I do find it hard, as I was stating with Omega strange to talk to women that to me just don't have anything appealing going on beyond that they got a good job, that they travel and that sort of thing. It just is very boring for me to talk about. Imagination is crucial and critical for me. So if I find people to find imagination to be childish or whatever or playing games or some s***, they're not for me. But yes
Ms.Hollie D.
@over40podcast · 4:15


I don't think a lot of people allow themselves to really dig deep and know who they are inside and out. So when I hear, I will say I have heard a lot of women describe themselves by their job, where they live well, particularly what good neighborhood they live in, their job, their income, their education. And I've also dating men have seen the same thing
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:52


Maybe to other people that is, but just not to me. But she had liked my profile. I thought she looked decent enough but funny enough. I actually had matched with her before so I could tell that I'm her type. Physically anyway. I think she just always forgets the personality aspect but yeah, the traveling types, I mean that's cool, hey that's your thing. But for me personally I know that's a major turn off