Layton Dodge Jr
@Dodgemaniac71 · 5:00

An interview with my girlfriend!!!

So we get a long story short to get through this because obviously this is going to be a couple of little mini broadcasts, but we get her a patient first. They said, yes, your leg is broken. It was broken on the fibula. Is that where the fibula actually meets the ankle bone? It was a hairline fracture or whatever kind of fracture, but it was there


Layton Dodge Jr
@Dodgemaniac71 · 5:00
So hopefully she sounds perfect, like she does in real life. I'm sure not. Anyway, so let's see. Let's review. I went on travel no, I'm sorry, wait. She fell down, broke her leg, concussed. She was undiagnosed with what turned out by the doctor, quote unquote, a mild concussion. So she was out some extra days
Layton Dodge Jr
@Dodgemaniac71 · 5:00
We have been together for three and a half years now. We met, we're both divorced. We met a divorce group. You know, the big no, no, you're not going to divorce group to meet anybody. You're right, I'm not. I was going to divorce group to meet people that are going through what I'm going through and can help me better understand what divorce is. And same thing with her. I'm sorry. Wait
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Layton Dodge Jr
@Dodgemaniac71 · 5:00
We actually were laughing our heads. We were it was pretty d*** funny that I just actually reached my arm in sleep mode and ripped it out from underneath her. Mind you, that was not the first time. Well, I'm sorry it was the first time. It was not the last time. No. I did it to her about four more times, if I can remember correctly
Layton Dodge Jr
@Dodgemaniac71 · 5:00
Maybe one day I'll take a picture of that or videotape it, I don't know. But it sucks with her not being mobile, because I enjoy going to doing anything. Shopping especially. I know guy enjoys shopping and he's not gay. Like, what's up with that? I don't mean in that way, and I'm not disrespecting anybody in that method, okay? All I'm saying is that when we go shopping, we have fun
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:22
This is so fun to listen to and to get a feel of your dynamic and hear all these stories of your relationship is so fun and such a fun way to get to know you both and as individuals, but also together. It was so sweet. Yeah. This is awesome. Thank you so much for sharing
Lorraine Carey
@LaLa575 · 0:20
It's. Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry to hear about your girlfriend. That's terrible. Oh, how do these doctors do these misdiagnosis? I don't know. But sending healing thoughts and prayers and hoping that she's on the road to recovery both of you, take care of yourself
Layton Dodge Jr
@Dodgemaniac71 · 0:48


Hey. Wanted to say thank you. We actually had a really fun time doing that podcast, the Little Swell talk there. It was it was actually insightful and funny. I mean, we actually discussed it beforehand what we might talk about, and then we just kind of rolled with the punches
Layton Dodge Jr
@Dodgemaniac71 · 1:28


So there probably will be more tag teams or whatever you want to team ups or whatever you want to call it. Not just the little interviews of me interviewing her, but this was fun, and I want to thank you. But we do appreciate the prayers. She actually just got a smaller cast put on yesterday, which is great. She's in less pain, and because I'm a vet, the doctor was a veteran, and a couple of other people were veterans. They hooked her up
