Disha Agarwal
@disha_aga05 · 3:23

The Haunted House Cleaning Service

The house was old and creaky, but it was also big and beautiful. The girls got to work scrubbing, dusting, polishing every surface inside. As they were cleaning the upstairs bedroom, they heard a strange noise coming from the hallway. It sounded like someone was walking back and forth, but when they looked out, there was no one. They stuck it off and continued training. A little while later, they heard this noise again, but it was louder and more persistent. They decided to investigate

A perfect start to a venture of young girls #fiction #story #swellcastindia #collegevoiceindia #poetsofswell #campusradio #DishTales

Nazia Tul Fatah
@Writer.Nazia · 0:11
Martiala. It was good and I hope that you'll do good in next time. It will be improved in the future
Kushagra verma
@Kushagraverma · 1:44
The shaw. What an energy level of yours while explaining the haunted house sequence and he surprised me that I just when you are saying haunted house and you are just depicting the story I just feeling feeling what kind? Of hauntedness is going to be. When you mentioned what close it, I thought from there some kind of soul or some kind of zombie going to come out. But nothing happened like that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Disha Agarwal
@disha_aga05 · 1:18

Thank you for your lovely responses and I am happy that you all liked the story❤

Thank you so much for your responses. And, yes, I do agree with Kushagra, because, ma'am, as you said, my whole point of writing the story, the thought that was going on behind my mind was, I want to surprise the reader or the listener. I don't want to create a normal horror story wherein a zombie comes or like or then somebody will come, a pastor or some person who can remove the devil and all of that
