Disha Agarwal
@disha_aga05 · 3:47

Why is this world a negative place to be in?

Namaste. Namaskaram. Adam SatSay. Archai Vanakam. Hello and welcome. You are listening to The Start while a 17 year old humanity student from Mumbai. Today I bring to you a swell on a recent thought provoking incident which happened when and the basic line or the theme on which this world is based is that why are we so negative? Why is this world so negative? Why does it feel that happiness is a mask? Is it the walls, the poverty, the hate?

#DishTales #poetsofswell #collegevoiceindia #swellcast

Vipin Kamble
@Vipin0124 · 1:19


And by the period of time, everyone is losing the positivity in their thought process. And as a resultant of that, we all see the negativity and surrounding. And as you say, yes, hope is the best thing. Let's hope for the positivity. And definitely things will move in positive direction. Thank you for sharing. A beautiful insight. Keep writing, keep shining, keep sharing. God bless you
Shrawani Shravs
@castleofnovels · 1:35

#swellvoiceindia #collegevoiceindia #hope #love #trust #humanity #darkness #swellpoetsindia

Hello Diyptisha. This is Rahane and I liked your poetry very much. Yes, you are right. Let us have that hope in our heart, in our soul and pray for the betterment. The whole universe this whole universe might be embraced with darkness but no, they might be twinkle of hope amidst this darkness. Let us pray and wish for the twinkle of hope to enlarge with our love and trust and make us believe that still humanity is left in this world
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Renu Mangtani
@Rainu · 3:38

#collegevoiceindia #swellcast #poetsofswell #lifelessons #positivity #hope

Hi Disha. This is Rainu here and I was listening to your poetry and it's really amazing the way you have highlighted, the way you have quoted. So today people are just running around
Srija Sadhukhan
@Srijasadhukhan · 1:50

#swellcast #collegevoiceindia #poetsofswell #srijasadhukhan

Nowadays, it's like people have stopped thinking that the other person can be good. When you are good to someone, that particular individual is thinking that that person is wearing a mask from the inner side. That person is negative or toxic or anything. So it's one of the concerned fact that we all need to talk and come up with the problems we face. And I don't know what is the real cause or what save it. But it's all about negativity
