The Daily Swell
@daily · 1:51

Spring is here! 🌿

Hi, this is Rachel with the daily slow, I cannot explain the excitement I feel when spring finally rolls around. I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, so for me, spring feels like I'm being reborn, especially often because in Pittsburgh, we have almost six months of winter. So spring, for me, is shaking off the winter Blues and getting ready to be in the world again. This year, of course, will be a bit different due to the pandemic

What are your springtime rituals? #home #spring #mariekondo #gratitude #joy

Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 1:25


Hey, Rachel, my favorite springtime ritual is gardening. So after the cold of winter and in San Francisco, it's not all that bad like you have it, but when the spring gets here and it becomes warm during the afternoon, I just love to go out in the garden. I have a very small area for my vegetables and fruits that I like to grow, and I love to go to the nursery, get seeds
I thought those
@ThoughtsByMe · 1:19

The 'Silent' Indian Spring!

So in India, we do not have a formal spring season, per se. But just before summer sets in, we have a brief window of time with a mellow sort of weather that we all look forward to to and enjoy. And in fact, we even have a festival associated with spring. It's called Holy. It's a festival of colors that fall somewhere in March, essentially signaling the onset of spring
@SVJ · 1:39

#springrituals #traditionalnewyear

The spring cleaning sort of happens because that's what it is for the traditional New Year preparations. We clean up our homes in preparation for the rituals. Yeah, it's interesting. And to me personally, I love seeing the flowers outside. Everything is in full Bloom. It's a beautiful thing to watch as you step outside your home. That's my take on spring ritual. Thank you. Bye
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 1:42

Dehiberating out of your clothes

So springtime in Seattle is definitely very, very welcome, especially coming out of months of long, drenched, drizzly days. So rituals wise. I don't don't have anything in particular other than thinking about all the pent up yard work or any housework that needed the sunny days, or thinking about all the things that I actually need the sun to accomplish, even though I don't have any specific ritual per se. But I look at it as a clear change in some sort of lifestyle
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:36

@shammi 😎

Shami. I don't know if you've ever seen those videos on Instagram for the clothing company Asos and there are other places, I'm sure. But where people are trying on different outfits and they'll snap and suddenly they're in the next outfit. And when you were talking, I imagined Winter Xiaomi just snapping. And then suddenly being in your light jacket and shorts and flip flops and hop and you're convertible with the top down. And it really made me laugh. So thank you
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 2:34

Spring is my favorite season

And when the flowers come up, you know, it's spring. And here's other color out in the garden welcoming you and saying, hey, come on out here. It's really amazing. I love spring for that. Any ritual per se? No, I don't have a ritual because my home is a perpetual mess. I don't need a time to clean. It's not like I'm going to wait for spring to do spring cleaning