Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 4:57

Do "nice guys" really finish last?

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But I'm referring back to time, to where I tried to get certain things and it just didn't work out or pan out or even talking to people that you might want to get to know or be with and hang out. I mean, that may not have even worked out either

With any & everything!

Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 3:04
And it's because those people have learned how to the game is learning how to use the people underneath them to do all the work and then these people are taking the credit for it and just being a corporate yes person. But as for relationships, I don't know. It depends on what you're looking for and what family relationships means. Are you looking at it like boyfriend girlfriend or not even that
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 2:40


So it's like, in a sense, it's fair, but then in a sense, it's not too fair. In regards to relationships, I agree with what you said as well. It's like, it depends on what you're looking for, and it also depends on what the other person is looking for
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 5:00

Yes, nice guys and nice girls finish last

They wish we stood for something. When people come to me now on a personal note and they ask me a question, I say, Ange, I know you're going to tell me the truth. And they'll ask me a question and I'll answer it honestly and they'll say, thank you. I knew I could come to you for an honest answer because I'm not going to
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 1:49


So from what I can gather, you're saying that to be nice, just to mean just to be supportive and always just willing to step up and be there and kind. It's like you're willing to help, but then you still stand behind your convictions and your belief, and I never really looked at it from that standpoint
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:36
Because sometimes if you're going to look at a leader, you want someone who can guide, someone who doesn't fumble or doesn't stumble or pause whenever they're faced with tough situations. You want someone who can adjust, who can adapt to anything. You want someone who can definitely speak up and take ownership, for instance. If you're working for someone and let's say your team makes a huge mistake, who's responsible for that mistake? If one person on your team
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 1:47


It good. Everything alcosby. As always say, stay blessed and keep inspiring. First and foremost, I want to thank you for your reply was very insightful. Secondly, a lot of what you said, you know, I've been doing that for quite some time, and I'm still doing it. I'm not going to lose my focus at all
Darlene Williams
@DSWDSW00 · 0:20


You. Good morning. Swell podcasters and swell listeners. Do nice guys finish last? In my opinion. I think individuals finish in the middle. There's always something that you have to catch up to, and there's always something that you can leave behind
@Cejae_Johnson · 5:00

Does the good guys finish last, don’t forget the good woman also

But she probably feels like with him, all he's going to do is just go to work and sit at home. And she wants the guy that's out and about that. Everywhere he goes, he knows somebody, something like that, and I believe it's vice versa with the guys that go after the females that everybody knows, of course, the female that's going to instantly put out for him and take care of him like he's a little boy, like she's his mama
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 1:55


Hey, good afternoon. Good evening. Rad to CJ. How you doing? This is Al Cosby, as always say thank you. Well, stay blessed and keep inspiring first and foremost. Second, I definitely want to thank you for your reply. I listened to all of it in its entirety and you definitely hit on a lot of key points. And like you mentioned, it's not just about the nice guys that finished last, but also the women that finish last as well
Manny Rabbit
@MylifethenNnow · 3:49

Just choose to leave the race and find a different one that has more winners

So I say this all the time. I've been small business owners since I was 18 years old when I got forced into basically taking over my grandfather's company. Because I'm a nice guys, my grandfather needed help and I always say I shouldn't be a person that owns a business because I'm too nice. And that's why it's never been overly successful as much as I want it to be. Because it seems as if to be successful or what you compare yourself to other people
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 1:50


And even a lot of business people now, again, they get into the game the crooked way, and then it's like now they want to turn around and say, like, oh, you got to be out honest. But they weren't honest when they got in. So it's almost like a double edged sword. But anyhow, again, thank you for your reply and as always say, stay blessed and keep inspiring
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:27
So we all see the finished product, but we don't know that she wasn't a chosen product in the beginning. So, yes, it's just in a way, it's unfortunate, but also fortunate because, yes, you do have people who get certain positions that didn't have to work honestly for it. I remember Elizabeth Gilbert's book called Big Magic
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 3:05


So a lot of time when I'm in the house, children, I'm looking at pictures and everything, and it's like I meet them for how they are now. But then when you look at pictures from when they were younger and everything, I think it's interesting for the fact that you actually see how they grew into the beauty that they have. But at the same time, a lot of females, they don't start out that way
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:05
But you have some of us who weren't that young, who still kind of we judge based off of superficial things. So it's definitely true what you said, how people change. I remember, and I don't know why I remember this, but a substitute teacher, when I was in high school, she told us about the guys that she used to go to school with. They were the handsome guys. And she remembered that she was never chosen for anything, for dances or for anything
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 1:34


Some of the girls that were, like, cute and a step above when I was going to elementary, middle school, like, years later, they had their families and everything, and that's cool, but at the same time, they just don't have those same looks