Natalie M
@cluttersource · 2:54

Oh what Journal or Calendar will I use this year.

I do like to write keywords and little notepads and doodle a little bit, but journaling was never really my thing. Maybe it's because I have Dyslexia and I think writing things down was harder for me than maybe others. And writing in general was not really my passion. But I got a little caught up life journal
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 2:31

And what I like about both the witches one and then the We Moon is that they have a lot of great art in the calendar and poems and little inspiration. So I really like that. And I like to keep them and cut out and use the pictures for collages. So, yeah, I try to get the most out of them by repurposing the pictures. But, yeah, those are the journals that I have been using our calendars
Natalie M
@cluttersource · 1:29


Hello, and thank you so much for the reply. It was very interesting listening to your comments on calendars. I have actually tried the Witch's llewellyn calendar, and it's great because it's spiral bound and it's fairly small and it really has every information in there that you need. So I totally love that one. The Wee Moon, I think I tried or I gave it to my friend because I didn't need two of them
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


Hi, Natalie. It kind of sounds like you're in that transition period of figuring out if you're going to stick with the Paper Planner journals or if it's time to move into the digital calendar journals. I'd like to share a little bit about my journey. I definitely was a paper planner out all the way, the stickers, the washi tape, and I went back and forth from the Daily Greatness Planner. Those are really awesome
Natalie M
@cluttersource · 1:16


Hello. I'm so sorry I missed your comment. For some reason, I didn't get any alerts. I must go look and see if there's a setting that I'm missing that I need to set up, because I do want to respond or like, any comments. And I do appreciate your comment. About the digital calendar, I actually just downloaded the one that you recommended, and I'm trying a free trial. I don't know
