Cicely Everson
@cicelyeverson · 5:00

A Note to my 13 Year-old Self

You. If I were to give a message to my 13 year old self, it would go something like this. First and foremost, you are enough. At 13, like many other growing and developing teens, I struggled with everything from self confidence to seeking external validation. Just that simple unknowingness of where I was in life, where I was headed. A time for identifying who I was and beginning to discover the things that I enjoyed, the things that I didn't like

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp25Jan24 #ugcprompt #TellYourStory @ThoughtProvoker | Going back to 13

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:08


It. This is a phenomenal take on this topic and on this prompt. Thank you. Put a lot of things in perspective. When you were talking, I was thinking about, because I've had, it doesn't really excite me, the idea I could go back and tell my self some secrets or give them some knowledge to alter time or whatever. But when you were talking, the thing that I'm becoming familiar with as I get older is the unexpected time
Tim Robinson
@takeitfromtim · 3:24


You. Hello, Sicily. Beautiful message about what you would say to your 13 year old self. You know, we often hear about, while we often are given that question, what will we say to a younger version of ourselves at the point that we are at now? And I like the fact that you would tell your 13 year, your old self that you are enough
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Cicely Everson
@cicelyeverson · 2:50


Secondly, I really appreciate your genuine response. I think you hit on so many points that really just expanded my thoughts further in a way that I hadn't even considered
Cicely Everson
@cicelyeverson · 1:58


And so I just wanted to thank you for shining a light on the fact that while I am reflecting on what message I would give to my younger self, some people are just trying to survive and make it to the next year and then to the next year and then to the next year. More of a no frills reality versus, oh, let's see how I can expand and what I can accomplish and what I can dream of