Areej Khanotia
@Areej.k · 3:11

Why you should read Jane Austen

article image placeholderMy Jane Austen collection
So it's really sad that she translates so much like emotion in her books, but it's interesting because I'm tapping into what's that she yearn for. Anyways, point is, you should read her stuff. It's a bit confusing because it's like 1800 type like comma slices and stuff, but very good. You should at least try Pride and Prejudice. Thank you for listening

Idk why my swells are running long these days my bad

Ayishah Hasni
@ayishah.hasni · 2:06
But I'm so glad you talked about this, because I think that there's a very lovely way of writing in classic novels that, like you said, kind of talks about emotions and feelings in a way that can be hard to find in modern literature. If you're talking about books with a lot of world building like you said
Areej Khanotia
@Areej.k · 0:52


Oh, my God. I agree with everything you were saying. Like, you're so eloquent in your reply. Like, the initial, like, audio that I said for this was just littered with, like, basically how I'm talking now with, like, a bunch of fillers. But yeah, I really like what you said about that. And just like the fact you're an English major, like, it really validated what I was trying to say
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@Swell · 0:15

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Shakthi Balakrishnan
@shakthikabala · 1:16
And it's nice that they have all the emotions and feelings that they're going through, especially, like in a romance oriented book because I feel like that was sort of frowned upon back in the 1800s. Yeah. I feel like when those books come up in modern times, it translates to selfhelp books. But sometimes the best lessons aren't learned from selfhelp books. They Areej learned from fantasy books or books like Jane Austen. Yeah. I think it's great that her writing is so timeless