Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 12:19

Marital Rape - Suffering in Silence

When he destroys her privacy by tripping her, insulting and demeaning her. Somehow the sense of superiority and control boosts his fragile ego. Another reason is sexual differences between the couple. Now women may not feel like having sex for reason that she may not even be able to explain to her husband. Maybe she has had a history of abuse in childhood that she doesnt want to share with her husband

Marital Rape remains unaddressed in India, perpetuating silently even in affluent homes. It's crucial to create safe spaces for open discussions.

Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 1:10


Thank you for sharing this. I'm here in the United States. I'm in Maryland, and I actually googled marital rape in the US while I was listening to this. And it is illegal in 70 states, I think, in all 50 states. Sorry. And I think it said 1978 was when the first person was convicted in the states for marital rape in 1978
Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 0:42


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. Shauna. Yes, this is an evil that's prevalent in almost all societies, but nobody talks about it. And even the victims don't have much scope to bring it up and get anyone convicted unless they are willing to just walk away from that relationship, from that marriage. Yeah, just like you said about pedophilia. So thank you for voicing your thoughts, and thank you for sharing this
