
Cdr Bimal Raj



Ex Indian Navy, Author of "What Next", Podcaster of "Awkward Talks" on Spotify, Multi Award winning Mindset Mentor and Coach.

Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 14:33
Not Everyone Will Like You and Its Okay!

Why do we crave others’ approval? Especially girls, taught to please from childhood. How does this affect individuality? Is it okay if we’re not liked

Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 12:19
Marital Rape - Suffering in Silence

Marital Rape remains unaddressed in India, perpetuating silently even in affluent homes. It's crucial to create safe spaces for open discussions.

Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 8:41
Lets Talk About Peri Menopause

Struggling with mood swings, hot flashes, or focus? Could be Perimenopause (40-44), a Menopause precursor. Learn more in our podcast with Uma Iyer.

Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 19:43
Suicide - Choosing Death over Life

The number of student suicides in India is rising at an alarming rate. It is a burden like no other when a child chooses it! We need to talk about it

Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 11:37
Dear Men, Lets Talk About Menstruation

At 26, I learned about menstruation, oblivious despite a female-dominated upbringing. Men, let's break taboos and understand this natural process.

Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 14:14
How to Make Self Doubt Work for You

Explore self-doubt: its essence, origins, and impact. Learn why it's not purely negative and how to harness it for growth in this episode.

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