Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:08

Calm in a Storm

If somebody else is enraged and frustrated and is thinking only about themselves, you need to just let them do that because that is about them. That is not about you, and why would you want to take on their stuff? And I had my eyes open to this today. I've known about the calming of the storm and calming yourself, but I haven't taken it in that certain context. Now, Buddha was the one about the calming of the storm. By the way

#Calm #Storm #MHNmaven

Debbie Griffiths
@Brkntobldness · 2:02
So we have some conversations we meeting, my sister and I have some conversations scheduled this week with her physicians and I'm trying to stay as calm as possible. I do feel a sense of peace about it. I know this is all part of life, but it still doesn't make it easy. And I think I'm okay for most of it, but I know I have a bad habit of using food to emotionally, I guess, deal with the emotions
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 2:46


Going through this process, it is not an easy road, but the only advice I could probably give you is the best advice I got, which was from my father, and that was to treat it like a business, take the emotion out of it because it is your job to take care of her. This was related to my aunt. I was her person, her power of attorney and everything
