Joeanne Bathani
@ZouZou · 1:47

#MyProfile | Joeanne Bathani

And even if you're just walking by somebody, a little smile will change a person's life, honestly. So we just got to remember that we all are going through things in life. We all bleed the same blood. We all are one and connected in some kind of crazy way. But we are. And we just all have to remember that. I am also very funny sometimes. So you'll catch me saying something very silly or stupid, just crazy


Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:35
Hi. Welcome to Swell. I'm Chelsea. It's nice to meet you on here. I enjoyed listening to this Swell, and I agree so much with just helping others and kindness and spreading that around and, you know, just the act of just, yeah, smiling at somebody or saying hello on the street could mean a lot to somebody. You never know. So I always try to live my life like that as well
