Godo and Becca Q
@xedus1 · 0:17

What gaming conaole did you originallg miss out on?

Hello. What was the gaming console that you missed out on whenever they originally came out? For me, it was the Genesis and Turbographic 16. I always wanted it, but for some reason, me, my brothers never got it
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:23

#gaming #atari

Hey, great question. I definitely also did not have the Genesis, but my answer would have been Atari, because I didn't have that one either. And it's kind of state of the art and staple gaming console that I always look back and wish I got to play on or had and not one of those remakes that you could get, but I mean the actual Atari. So that's my answer. I appreciate your question