Pinna Pinn
@whitewolf24 · 0:19

People ghosting easily

Do you know guys, why some people like to go sting, especially for guys. I'm not judging, but when the first time they know each other and they try and should be nice. But at the end they disappear without a reason

#relationship #romance #ghosting #advice

phil spade
@Phil · 1:33

Some people like wasting others time

Anyways, I can't be with somebody that if you're bothered by ghosting, somebody that would ghost is just not going to be a match anyways. And kind of funny that you bring this up just yesterday, I was trying to sell an item online and I've been talking to somebody for about a week and almost kind of reserving the item for this person, and all of a sudden they just completely have ghosted, and it makes no sense to me
phil spade
@Phil · 1:26

One case where ghosting might make sense

In fact, I was giving her advice to ghosts. And the reason I would say that is because any kind of response that she would give even if it was hey, I'm really not that interested. Thank you would just be met with even further, either creepiness or aggressiveness. And at that point, it was better for her to just not say anything and just let it go and just be that person