Austin Stevens
@WhatEverTalks · 1:56

Long time but no see how’s it going

But since I really can't do that and I don't know how to and you can't edit audio after you're done recording it, I'm just like, okay, I'm just going to make this into a regular podcast where I talk about whatever or well, you guys can choose what else I could talk about. I really don't feel good right now. Been coughing recently, so I'll be back sometime soon

It’s been a long time am I right?

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:24
Hey, Austin. I'm glad you came back and you're deciding to give swallow a chance and, yeah, totally come when it feels right, when you feel okay. And we'll be excited to hear whatever you want to talk about. That's what's so cool about this platform, is that you can really make it your own. Can't go wrong. So, yeah, I'm glad you decided to come back
