Surya V
@welcome28 · 5:00

Is KUNDALINI YOGA being overhyped in modern days ?

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So like that, the Kundalini Sadhana is bought into Hindu Sanatana Dharma by the great Adi Shankara and it was kept in a specific set of Sadhanas. Considering the Shakta worship and the achara to be followed is Kulachara or Kaulajara, there are various acharas. For example, I belong to the school of Dakshinachara. There are Jara, there are Kaulajara, there are Samayachara. There are various acharas. In those acharas, this is kept in Kulachara technique. Kulachara way of thought

Why a hype is being given to kundalini these days ?

Surya V
@welcome28 · 5:00

Part-2 on kundalini and various schools of yoga

So now in Bhakti yoga you are doing Bhakti, you are doing devotion in order to achieve realization. And through realization you are achieving the ultimate liberation, right? Similarly, in Karma Yoga you are doing unattached action. And you are achieving Jnana through unattached action and through Gnana, you are liberating. This is how it works. And in Kriya yoga you are attaining Chitta Ekagrata or oneness of mind through the practices and through the Gnana, through the whole analysis of Jnana, you are attaining liberation
Surya V
@welcome28 · 4:57

Part-3🐍🐍 kundalini rising 🐍🐍

The whole concept of opening chakras, raising them, bringing them here, bringing it there, all these things do exist. I'm not saying they don't exist. They do exist, but they are overrated. Overhyped. So first we saw that direct liberation through Kriya yoga is not possible. Second, kundalini is a natural concept, and it is not a great achievement. The moment you feel some tingling sensation in your spine, you are not a Kundalini. Yogi. Please remember
Surya V
@welcome28 · 4:45

Part-4 Aspects of KUNDALINI

Continuing this Kriya yoga practice have been desensitized have been stripped off of its all components from the Sanatana Dharma. Because each chakra has the Adi Devata and a pratyadidevata and a Bija, a Wahana. All of these things are there for a single chakra. For example, let us consider muladhara swadhisthana. Let us consider an example of Muladhara. Muladhara's. Aditya, Avatar. Is Ganpati swadhistana's. Aditya Avatar is Varuna Manipuraka's. Aditya Vata is Vishnu. We have so many things associated with it
Surya V
@welcome28 · 4:48

Part-5 Yoga merchants vs kundalini

What is the deity aspect of it? The moment you want to speak about this, it should come from Shakta. One should initiated get initiated into Shakta and one should be initiated into Sri Chakra. At least basics. There are saptama varna there are nawa varna chakras. There are saptama varna chakras. At least one should be initiated into these things before initiating the actual Kundalini yoga. That is my point here. And you should be able to understand the chakra each devata their Diana Swarupa, their Bijaksharas
Surya V
@welcome28 · 4:45


So unfortunately, what these modern day yoga merchants have did is they have secularized the yoga, secularized yoga. And in that process they have lost the roots of Kriya yoga. Now hatha yoga is different subject. People may get confused used hatha Yoga is very different subject. There are some books which came in the later time. There are no mention of asanas in Patanjali Yoga Sutra. Later they came, the asanas came later. Only one sutra is there in entire Patanjali Yoga Sutras which describe about asanas
Surya V
@welcome28 · 5:00


So starting with losing those names losing meaning of those names losing the explanation which is encoded inside those names which will reflect in your practice all the way till climbing Kundalini and also climbing Kundalini to be ultimate path to liberation what Kundalini sadhana hundred times your karma will go what is this? From where it has come? What is the reference? Who told you all these things? People may get angry with me. I don't care. But somehow yoga is being sold. Yoga masters have become yoga merchants
Surya V
@welcome28 · 5:00

Part-8 Knowledge of kundalini

Because in order to understand Kundalini, you have to realize that the energy which is outside and energy which is inside is one and the same which is possible only through meru worship or Sri Chakra worship or Sri Chakra Upasana or Sri Vidya upasana is the only way. It will make you realize the God inside you and you will be a better Kriya Yogi. So we can speak about this in some other podcast
Surya V
@welcome28 · 4:56


If you collect the Kundalini energies of all the human population past, present and future then the entire collective sum of Kundalini energy will be there. No, that Kundalini energy will not be equivalent to the toe ring of the Mother Goddess Kali. Please remember the Meenakshi, the Devata, the Kali
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:11
I right now can't tell you what my opinion is or right now I can't add any points to this particular swell. But once after I get a good you have really given an insightful information and you have given lots and lots of things to understand and clear it. So thank you so much for that. Once after I get a clear thing on clear perspective on this particular thing, surely I'll come back and reply you with my views and surely we'll add points from my end too
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 3:22
But I was really thankful and grateful to you for having explained all the various paths and why Kundalini yoga is perhaps not referred in the upanishad and so on, but I have sensed that deep connect with the Divine. Mother whenever there is a chant or any sort of ritual in the presence of the mother in the temples or anywhere else, any home, et cetera, I have felt that strong experience of the Kundalini being activated and stuff like that
Surya V
@welcome28 · 4:55


Because yes, I have seen many people who have gone mad. I will share with you an incident which have happened very recently. A very well known relative of mine. He's a relative of mine. He does this meditation and all on Kundalini. Whenever we used to meet I used to say him why can't you go to some guru and learn traditional Kundalini? Why are you wasting your time? Then? Naturally I am very younger than him. Then he used to not care about my words
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Surya V
@welcome28 · 1:38


When you are an open channel, which is through meditation when you are opening up your channels you must be very cautious of what you are receiving. And it is not possible by merely meditating. One must be very alert and very conscious to spot which channel is working for him or which channel is working through him. It is very difficult without divine protection or without divine grace. And also one must be physically very fit. As Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to say that a Sadak must be very strong physically and mentally