Una Ryan
@uryan1 · 1:45

A memorable experience I had working with Ronjon...

article image placeholderDr. Ronjon Nag
He pointed out that his wife, Sally Anne, was not with him, so he turned to me and said, well, I could take you. This was not the most flattering invitation I've had to a mayball that I can ever receive. Oh, well. Again, I invited Ronjon to present a webcast for Cambridge alumni on AI, of course, which he did admirably. I was so excited to hear that his VC fund was called r 42

#MyRonjonStory #R42 #TellYourStory #spR42rn1 @ronjonnag https://s.swell.life/SU4nPIFGUrN9fl5

Arish Ali
@arish · 0:09


Hi, Una. Thank you so much for contributing that lovely story about Ranjan on swell. Or should I say thanks for all the fish?