Toussaint Stewart
@TownWellness23 · 5:00

Living from our Heart Space

This takes courage because within this society, we're not really grown up in the school system to really figure out what we really want to do from our hearts and being true to our heart space, right? We get shown a cast of careers that we could potentially get into. And then all of a sudden, we're off to the rat race or trying to. We become materialists, we become consumers

#heartled #lifestylemedicine #passion #purpise

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:21
In my experience, it's been such a gilded path. Every time I have stepped out on a limb of faith, I have not once ever in my entire life been let down, and that's a pretty good success rate. So, don't, thanks for inspiring some change and hopefully inspiring some people to check in with their hearts. Much love to you, man. Have a great week
Toussaint Stewart
@TownWellness23 · 3:22


And we oftentimes we talk about I ask them if this is this your purpose? Is this your passion? Or are you just doing this to get a check or doing this to survive and get some very honest feedback? And I let them know. I'm like, well, we're going to get into some work, and we're going to get into some practices, some holistic practices. And there's going to be a lot of things coming up
Jae Alexander
@Jandrea · 3:21


So, yeah, I just wanted to come from a different perspective, respectfully. And it was good, actually hearing your swell and hearing your opinion on the living from our heart space. Thanks again