Mamta Sharma
@themamtasharma · 0:49

Peace of mind!

Hi. This is mamta sharma and I am going to share my first poem at the swell title is peace of mind. We are running, running with full our pace but something is missing missing during this speedy is what we are missing did we leave something, something very far behind? Yes. That was a tiny part of us that was our peace of mind


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:49

#poetry #inspire #author

I can so relate to this. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes it's so good just to feel like other peace mind of know where you're coming from. And oftentimes that's what keeps me logging into this app, because I feel like I can show up where I am every time and find a message or a poem that is spoken in a similar perspective of what I'm experiencing. And lately, I've definitely felt like I've lost my peace of mind. Life's been crazy