Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:34

A Reflection

article image placeholderHollywood Blvd.
So Los Angeles has one of the lowest infection rates of the largest cities in the United States right now. And it's really made me sort of reflect on the year that we've had and how crazy of a year it's been and how much it's affected everybody in the city. And I know that there were long periods of time where myself and my family and my friends were indoors completely

Covid has changed the world. How are you holding up?

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 4:36
And this also may be something that folks are already familiar with, but they're talking as well about how with other pandemics, nationalism can really start to come into play even during a global pandemic, where if a vaccine is created in one country, that country sometimes hoards it, which can make the pandemic go on for longer worldwide because we're not working together globally to stop it