Matthew Phillips
@Talk77 · 4:31

#TellYourStoryThing In Government I Wish I could understand | Visual prompt: Paper boat on water

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I believe that Republicans and Democrats really don't sit down and look at the policies, excuse me, that they both put at the table because both sides of needed to have a balance. No one party is right and no one party is wrong. And when people start to understand that, that's when things are going to get better and know that you're not going to please everybody and you can't fix every situation. Thank you and have a great day. Bye

#SwellDailyPrompt Trying to understand The Government That Doesn’t care Really About Anything #sdp24Feb18 @dobbsty https://s.swell.life/SU3dVv6RtkolA1r

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 3:22
Every day I was been alive. Generation of war is what I've heard people call our generation. So it's wild. Wild, wild. My father served in the military for 22 years, so I saw firsthand just how poorly he was treated when he left. Suffers with tremendous PTSD, and the government refuses to help contribute by not accepting the fact that they are responsible. You know what I mean? It's wild, man. It's really a wild world
Bruno Pavlicek, PhD
@MotivateMeU · 3:38
As the saying goes, I'm sure you've heard this as well. The joke is, how do you know when a politician is lying to you? Well, the answer to that is whenever their lips are moving, right? But nowadays it's just nobody reaches across the aisle to talk to each other. Everybody goes to their side of the room, folds their arms and in a defensive manner. Everybody has these partisan opinions. No one comes to the middle of the road to see both perspectives
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