sukirti chand
@sukirti666 · 3:01

How Influencers Make Money: A short guide to Influencers marketing

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Hello welcome back to my Swell how Influencers Make Money A Short Guide to Influencer Marketing over the last few years brands have reorganized the power of social media influencers marketers. Understand that influencers moving away away from traditional media to social media and work with social media influencer to promote product or to be a part of marketing campaign

The overwhelming popularity of social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube has created an entirely new category of celebrity:

Chandrika Devi ;)
@Devii_official · 2:12


So when you're really working with this unstructured way, following up and networking properly with your own teammates and with your own chand is very important. And I think that was one thing I've learned from my mistakes because nobody really tells that out to you that you have to follow up. That is the most unbreaked skill which anybody were present. But following up as an influencer or as somebody who's working with influencers regarding anything is very much important. So let me know what is your views about this?