baisakhi saha
@saha.baisakhi · 3:23

#AuthorStory | What first got me interested in writing

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About three years into it, suddenly one day I had a very strong impulse to publish my writings, although initially when the process had begun, I had absolutely no intentions of publishing. I was just impressing myself in my own imaginations, like taking my own breath away with my magical musings

#SPBAuthorStory1 #SwellPrompt #TellYourStory

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:27
Wow. So cool. How much stems from just being a voracious reader when you're a kid? I love it. You've done so, so much. I'm so inspired and so impressed, and it's so cool to hear how each step in the journey just leads to the next and in totally unexpected and exciting ways. It was so cool to listen to this. Thank you so much for, for sharing your story