Rox Starra

ROX in front of a big crowd.

I did so well that my third grade teacher saw the play and got inspired and did a women in history play where I played the MC, which means I was always on stage and I was calling someone up and introducing them it, and then the audience had to guess who she was

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt @dbpardes | The time I had to speak in front of a large crowd...

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:53


Hey, Rox. I just love this memory. And it's so amazing how some moments in our lives are so seminal, and they create this sort of breadcrumb towards who we become. And it gives us such a great sense of clarity around the power of choices that are made for us or choices that we make ourselves. But what an incredible memory. The fact that you remember your lines and you remember the result of doing so well got you another opportunity
Rox Starra


Hey, db pardes. Or is it pardes? Hi. Thank you for your comment. You really planted some seeds that I'd like to sow on because of it. I appreciate that. I need to go check you out because you definitely brought forth some things that had me look, that had me thinking further. I appreciate that, Ashe