Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:48

If I could be a character in any book or movie...

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And by doing so, by submitting himself to our Lord, he is given permission to absolutely rain hellfire and wage war with Satan over the course of all of space time. So, yeah, he's a dope ass character. I wish I was him. Wish I was him. Hopefully I get to meet him someday. Hopefully I get to be under his command because, yeah, I, like him, have submitted myself to the Lord in heaven like he has

#TheSwellQuestionnaire #spptsqp1 https://s.swell.life/SU9IXMI8XnOUKzC #TellYourStory

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:34
Hey, rooster it. Wow. I mean, Michael. Yeah, I forgot about the archangel Michael. I truly, and not in a disrespectful way, it's just you brought it back to memory. The magnificence and strength, the bravery, the bravado of this angel. And if he truly is your guardian angel, I mean, hello. That is something to feel really good about, because that's the cream of the crop, right?
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 3:23


So, yeah, I've been, I've been out of the, been out of the game for a bit, Jl. But I do have a candidate for you, if you feel so bold. I don't know if you've responded to it or not. I'll have to go check the replies or check your post. But I present to you Debra from the Book of Judges. And as you can see here, I'll just read the thing I posted
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