Belle πŸ•
@ReySkywalkerΒ Β·Β 3:02

#TellYourStory | One thing that always fills me with wonder...

You. I feel like I'm pretty much always wondering about things because I'm. I'm a pretty wondrous person. I think a lot. But one of the things that fills me with wonder is probably music. I really like to listen to my records and cds, and when I put them on, I. I like to sit back and imagine the story that it's trying to tell me

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb27 @dbpardes

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesΒ Β·Β 0:38


I really enjoyed this little journey you took. Of all the things that make you feel wonder. It is deep and philosophical, but I have to latch on to your thoughts about the wonder of afterlife is huge, of course, if those that want to go there. But I also think when you wonder about music, it's so beautiful because there's such mystery to how our minds wrap around beauty, the beauty of tones and why some tones more beautiful to others