Hallalujah Ministries
@Reverness · 5:00

Healing Through Temptation

And then after that, in verse twelve, jesus begins his ministry. So let's talk about this. Jesus went through a hard time. After he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights, the devil came to him at his most vulnerable point. But Jesus overcame that. And I want everyone to remember that the enemy knows his word, too. The enemy is cunning and he's sharp. But listen to what Jesus continuously says


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:42
So thank you so much for taking some time to share, and I wanted to welcome you to swell and just say I look forward to hearing more from you. Please keep them coming
Hallalujah Ministries
@Reverness · 0:26


Greetings from Hallelujah ministries and thank you so much for your kind words. They are a blessing and they are encouraging and it allows us to know that we are spreading the gospel and it is being listened to that means so much. Thank you
