On your face and are gleeful never glum if in every waking moment you enjoy and you thrive then, dear, you're not just living you are actually alive. Thank you


Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:35
Hi Rashmi, are you living or are you alive? Wonderful way to put that I think very profound thought across through your poem and very true. I have also felt that there are moments when monotony kind of seeps in right into your life
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 0:24
Harashmi. That was so very beautiful. But and yes, it's very important for us to stay alive in the moment. It's not just about inhaling air, inhaling oxygen into our lungs, but it's more about inhaling life, inhaling moments into our soul. That's far more important. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful poem
Benedict Garrett
@Bendi_G · 3:03
And as much as I loved them, I had to say to myself, but if I look back on my life now and say, yeah, but I made somebody else happy, but I didn't make myself happy. I wasn't alive. I was living. I was just existing to please somebody else, then that's not being alive, that's existing. That's living. At least I think I exist. I think I live